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- Online Safety Webinar - Supporting healthy tech use as your child transitions into High School
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Dear Parents and Carers of St Kevin’s,
November is a month where we as Catholics remember and pray to those who have gone before us, in the belief they are now with God our Father in Heaven. St Kevin’s is part of All Saints Blackbutt South Parish, and we celebrate and acknowledge Saint Kevin, St Philip, St James and St Columba. We are also a Josephite school and celebrate Saint Mary MacKillop of the Cross. Wow what a lot of Saints in our corner! And then there are the unnamed saints, some of whom could be our relatives. The lives of the saints should inspire us with tremendous hope, as many of them lived lives much like our own. Mary MacKillop is probably the easiest to align this thought with as she is a saint from only the last century and with whose life we are more familiar with and can imagine. During November let's live a life of hope and follow Jesus in what we say and do and in the way we treat each other.
I did find this interesting piece of information when researching All saints and the month of November in Catholic faith.....
Pope Francis’ Intentions for the month of November in 2020 were......
Artificial Intelligence: We pray that the progress of robotics and artificial intelligence may always serve humankind.
The text of the November 2020 prayer intention:
Artificial intelligence is at the heart of the epochal change we are experiencing. Robotics can make a better world possible if it is joined to the common good. Indeed, if technological progress increases inequalities, it is not true progress. Future advances should be oriented towards respecting the dignity of the person and of Creation.
Let us pray that the progress of robotics and artificial intelligence may always serve humankind… we could say, may it “be human.”
With all the chat around AI at present, I thought this prayer intention from 4 years ago was very timely to revisit!
Take care and go gently in whatever you do.
Mary-Anne Jennings
Upcoming events
November 15 and 22 – 2025 Kinder transition mornings
November 22- Family Disco at Club Macquarie Argenton
November 26 – Children's University Graduation
November 27 – Last day of canteen for this year.
November 29 – Colour run
December 2 to 13 – Intensive swimming
December 13 – Swimming carnival at Speers Point pool.
December 15 – Year 6 School Graduation Mass
December 16- Captains speeches, Christmas craft day, Christmas bake sale, Infants Nativity play
December 17 – Year 6 luncheon and bump it up day.
December 18 – End of year Liturgy and awards. Last day for all students.
End of Year Expectations
As the year rapidly draws to a close and the excitement of Christmas and holidays reaches fever pitch, and anxiety levels rise with new horizons coming closer, students will be reminded of our 3 school rules and what they look like and how to follow them even at the end of the year.
Be safe
Be respectful
Be a learner
These rules apply in the classroom, the playground, at swimming lessons, at the colour run, and in car lines. They apply everywhere in our school day.
We will continue to remember and revisit these rules as school winds down, and there will be incentives for those who follow these rules. For those who remembered the “Christmas Boxes” from last year, it is definitely the time to ensure our school rules are followed by all. Next week is box number 1!!!!
The Joys of Being a Principal
Visited Year 1 to watch their theatre productions of "Mary". Mary's life covered many aspects of motherhood and joy. I saw groups potraying the annunciation, the birth of Jesus and when Jesus got lost in the temple. Head scarfs, towels were all in use and shared around so everyone got to be Mary. Lots of giggles, lots of learning, lots of God moments. I love being Principal and going to the theare while at work!

Co- Principal / Assistant Principal News
I hope that you have found the changes we have made to our communications beneficial.
- Issuing of Week at a Glance & the Imagination Station roster, weekly
- Updated Term planner, fortnightly
- SMS push accompanying Event push
- SMS push final reminder Event consent
- Events include notification opt in or compulsory
We do need your assistance to improve timely Event consenting. It is imperative that we receive consent prior to the closing date. Consent does not require payment. We appreciate that in any given week you may have other financial priorities. Consent to take your child off site is a legal requirement. FYI, if payment is not made at the time of consent, on Compass we are given a simple message “Consent, awaiting payment” - this is fine, payment can be made when you are able.
Let me give you some context. Recently, we were preparing for our League Tag event. Throughout weeks 1 & 2 children had received skill development . However, as it was an opt in event, after the closure of the event we needed to finalise team compositions to ensure we had a balance of abilities across our 4 teams. Some parents had elected to opt their child out of the event, this was fine. In setting up for our final few sessions, I called out the children who were attending and announced the teams. Several children erupted into tears. As you can imagine, this tears your heart out – the un-named children wanted to play, just didn’t have consent. Parents had to be called, the event had to be re-opened and much more...
From now on, you will receive an event notification accompanied by an SMS push. Those who have not consented, will then receive an SMS push reminder prior to the event closing. Once the event has closed it will not be re-opened and unfortunately children will miss out. Whilst this is problematic for me, we have to set limits as the flow on from no consent is stressful and causing organisational and safety concerns. PLEASE if you have trouble giving consent on Compass for any event ring the school, we are always happy to help you.
Mini EV Challenge
You may have noticed in the Week at a Glance that we are running the Mini EV Challenge for select students in primary. This was an opt in opportunity for our primary students. Initially, I had far too many children wanting to join and we decided as a staff to let them come and try to see if they wanted to continue, some decided it was not for them. Each week primary classes are running their science lessons at the same time so that students from Years 3 – Year 6 can join me for a science and technology lesson preparing them for the Hunter Vally Electrical Vehicle challenge. We are entering both cars and boats. The children have to build circuits, make decisions on gearing, consider design and engineering, as well as learn how to use all sorts of implements like pliers and crimping tools. It isn’t easy but they are persisting. We head to TAFE to compete on Wednesday 27th November, please pray for a beautiful cloudless sky.
Colour Run
It’s not long before we enjoy our Colour Run Spectacular. Thankyou so much for your support. There is an error in the original event information, wherein I stated that there would be a cake stall on the day. My apologies! The cake stall is on Monday 16th December before the Infants’ Nativity. Please see below for reminders:
Children need a white or light coloured shirt (shorts too if they wish)
Children to be dropped off and picked up from Wilkinson Park. If using Myall Road, students must be walked into the park to a staff member.
$3 entry fee – covers 2 x sausage sizzle, drink, treat bag, removable tattoo, face painting, whacky hair ...
Event consent closes Sunday. ¼ of the school still require consent!
Intensive Swimming / Swimming Carnival
Further to notification regarding Intensive Swimming last newsletter, this is to advise that our Swimming Carnival to select students to go to Lakes / Diocesan Swimming Carnivals 2025 is being held on our last day of Intensive Swimming on Friday 13th December at Speers Point Swim Centre. Infants and selected primary students will still receive their swimming lesson. We have access to both pools for the day. The carnival will commence at 10am.
We are trialing this event and, if successful, this will be come an annual event. There will NOT be a swimming carnival early next year, this is a replacement event.
Newcastle Jets Learn. Program
We are one of 20 winnings schools for the Jets:LEARN ONLINE program fuelled by Greater Bank.
We will receive a sports pack that includes:
- 10 x soccer balls to add to our school’s sports equipment (size 5)
- 30 x mini size 1 balls for students to take home
- Cones and ball carry bags
We will also receive a visit in person from some of our favourite Jets players where they’ll discuss all things physical and mental health, and maybe challenge some students at some of the program challenges they’ve been practicing.
Our visit date will be emailed as soon as possible.
For one lucky class we have a bonus session.
- 4 x 45 minute lessons
- 4 weeks of FREE online lessons, 1 x 45min session per week
- A pre-recorded instructional video each week
- Lesson plans for teachers to follow along
- Worksheets for the class to track their challenge
How exciting!
God Bless
Kim Hogan
Co-Principal / Assistant Principal
Faith Life, Catholic Identity, and the Liturgical Season
This week’s Gospel for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time, we are reminded of the importance of humility and service in our daily lives. This liturgical season invites us to reflect on the teachings of Jesus, who calls us to love and serve one another with a humble heart. At our school, we strive to embody these values through our actions and interactions, fostering a community where every individual is valued and respected. Let us continue to support each other in our journey of faith, growing together in love and compassion.
We start to move towards the Season of Advent in the Liturgical Calendar, reminded that the waiting period before the birth of Jesus comes with great hope, anticipation, patience and joy. You will notice that the First Sunday of Advent (December 1st, incidentally) will see a change of colour in our Liturgical cloths to the Jacaranda purple.
October: The Month of the Rosary
We reflect on the significance of October, celebrated as a Marian month in the Catholic Church, dedicated to honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary. This tradition dates back to 1571, when Pope St. Pius V attributed the Christian victory at the Battle of Lepanto on October 7 to the intercession of Mary through the Rosary. In recognition of this, the Church celebrates the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary on this day. Pope Leo XIII further promoted October as the Month of the Rosary, encouraging the faithful to seek Mary’s intercession through this powerful prayer. During this month, we are invited to deepen our devotion to Mary and reflect on the mysteries of the Rosary, seeking her guidance and protection.
Mission and Justice:
As we move into the season of giving, we are working closely with our local St Vincent de Paul members to assist with their Christmas Appeal Outreach. We will launch our St Vincent de Paul efforts in Week 6. This year, we will be collecting items for Christmas. Please keep an eye out in Week 6 for how you can assist us in this outreach.
Upcoming Important Dates
Here are the important upcoming dates for our school community up to Week 6:
Week 4
- Thursday, 7th November
- Event: Year 3 attending Parish Mass
- Friday, 8th November
- Event: Liturgy for the Month of Mary
- Led by: Year 4
- Time/Location: 2:15pm at St Kevin’s Catholic Church, Cardiff
Week 5
- Monday 11th November
- Event: Remembrance Day Commemorations
- Led by: Year 2
- Time/Location: 10:30am at St Kevin’s School Grounds, Flagpole.
- Thursday, 14th November
- Event: Year 2 attending Parish Mass
School Led Parish Mass:
The final school led Parish Mass for 2024 and Year 6 Graduation will be celebrated on Sunday 15th December at St Kevin’s Catholic Church, 9:30am. We invite all families to join us as we farewell the Year 6 graduating class of 2024 and join with our Parish to celebrate Mass.
Please see Compass events for further details and RSVP notice.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education News
Kaayi (Hello – Awabakal)
Yaama Ngindaay (Hello everyone - Gamilaraay)
Nungamanladi (Hello - Bardi)
Te bandola nginak (Hello, how are you? – Yorta Yorta)
Wo-ri-mi Ngani (Hello, how are you? – Dharug)
What’s in a Name? Actually, quite a lot.
A few years ago when I was on holiday in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales I visited Newcastle, Wallsend, Cardiff, Birmingham Gardens, Hamilton and Jesmond. It was a strong reminder of how many UK placenames were used when the colonists named places in New South Wales and further afield.
When I checked in to my hotel in Cardiff and signed in as Phil Taylor the owner laughed and asked me if I’d like to play darts in the bar. I had heard about the famous UK dart player Phil Taylor, former world’s best. So I accepted. Several locals were very happy that they could say they beat Phil Taylor at darts.
It is interesting and important to learn about Awabakal place names, their history and meaning. Aboriginal people gave significant names which related to some aspect of their culture. Language and culture are inseparable. Here are just a few. Information sourced from Awabakal Language Program, a Miromaa initiative.
Awaba: flat surface with movement, referring to Lake Macquarie.
awa +ba. awa meaning to smooth out, +ba the suffix used to make placenames
Awabakal: Traditionally this just meant man of Awaba; also men. It now refers to people of Awaba and the language they speak.
Awabakaleyn: This means woman or women of Awaba.
Kuranbang: Now known as Cooranbong, a suburb of Lake Macquarie. It reputedly means “water over rocks”
Nikinba: This literally means “Place of Coal”, and some evidence points to it being
situated between Warners Bay and Valentine-Eleebana. Before settlement, loose coal could be found lying on the surface in this area. There is a Dreaming story regarding the creation of coal which relates to the volcanic activity near Redhead.
Mulubinba (or Muloobinba): meaning Place of the sea fern. The site of the Newcastle foreshore near the mouth of the Hunter River, named from an indigenous “sea fern” named Mulubin that grew there.
Learning the traditional names of people and places helps us understand the reason and purpose associated with their naming. We get a glimpse into the cultural life of the First Nations people of a particular area, and with knowledge comes understanding and greater appreciation; steps along the journey of reconciliation.
Our kids love learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and cultures, the histories and Dreaming stories, the care for Country and benefits for all Australians in learning from each other and gaining understanding.
Nginowa (Goodbye/See you later – Awabakal)
Gaba Nginda Yaluu (Good You, Later - Gamilaraay)
Phil Taylor
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Teacher
We would like to extend our congratulations and well wishes to Lukas (Year 5) who is about to finish and present his final project for the Virtual Academy (VA) in 2024.
The Virtual Academy is a program for high potential and gifted students that provides innovative and advanced curricula with local, national and global perspectives, beyond the scope of the regular classroom.
Lukas completes VA work via a web-based platform enabling him to work with students across the diocese, guided by a specialist educator. This semester Lukas has based his project on ‘Patterns’ and will showcase his final presentation in Week 5 to his peers and his Virtual Academy Educator.
Congratulations again Lukas!
Thank you to those families who have finalised their school fees for 2024. Final school fee payments are due at the end of the month on the 30th November 2024. It would be appreciated if you could please finalise your accounts by this date. Any family experiencing genuine financial hardship are encourgaged to contact the school as soon as possible, to speak with the Principal to discuss an alternative arrangement.
Families of Year 6 or any other family leaving the school, are advised that all fees need to be finalised prior to leaving as fee clearance needs to be given to the Diocesan high school.
Once again, thank you to those families who have made regular contributions to fees and have finalised your account. It assists our students greatly.
St Kevin’s Debating Team
Debating is a Formal Argument where two teams discuss a subject from two different perspectives. Our team members are Caine, Elliana, Erika, Jonathan, and James was our backup and we needed him as one of our team members got sick. We represented St Kevin's in debating at St Joseph’s Charlestown, competing against the Lakes Region schools. We had two debates. We were negative in both debates. Our first speaker was Caine, our second speaker was James, I was the third speaker and our scribe was Elliana. The subject of the first debate was ‘Video Games are beneficial for kids’. Our main reasons against this position were: addiction to gaming, stranger danger, in-game purchases and inappropriate content. Our second debates subject was ‘Climate Change is the biggest problem in the world today’. Our main reasons against this statement were War and Terrorism. ‘War and Terrorism have killed many more people than Climate Change will in a century’. Even though we didn’t win all of them, we learnt so much from that experience and know what to expect next time. (We also only got 2 hours of practicing before that while the other teams had much more time).
Erika (Year 5)
Online Safety Webinar - Supporting healthy tech use as your child transitions into High School
Parents and carers webinar ‘Supporting healthy tech use as your child transitions into high school’
Date: Tuesday 12 November
Time: 12.30pm-1.00pm
Presented by: eSafety Commissioner and the Council of Catholic School Parents NSW/ACT
Cost: Free
This 30-minute webinar is suitable for parents and carers of young people in upper primary school (aged 11-12) and Year 7.
The webinar will explore:
- the social pressures, peer influences, and technological challenges young people face as they transition into high school.
- practical strategies for navigating online friendships and connections to help minimise negative experiences.
Neurodiversity Information Session
Parents and carers webinar ‘Converting neurodiversity into neuro-advantage’ with Andrew Fuller
Date: Wednesday 20 November
Time: 7.00pm-8.00pm
Presented by: The Federation of P&F Associations
Cost: Free
Everyone’s brain processes information differently, it is as unique to an individual as their fingerprint.
In this session, parents and carers will learn the superpowers and learning strengths of brains with:
- Autism Spectrum
- Oppositional Defiance
- Dyslexia
Andrew will also cover the methods, interventions, apps and tech that can help these young people to not only survive in school but thrive in life.
To increase your learning from this event, you are encouraged to complete an analysis of your own learning strengths ahead of time at
Please see attached flyer for more information.
About the presenter: Andrew Fuller is an Hon. Fellow at the Uni of Melbourne, a scientific consultant for the ABC and a regular presenter on Radio National. He has established programs for neuroscience and education, neurodiversity and the promotion of mental health in schools, substance abuse prevention, and the reduction of violence and bullying, suicide prevention programs and for assisting homeless young people
Its on again!! Holiday fun time. The 2024 CSNSW Sport Aquathlon open to students in Catholic schools in NSW. Polding & MacKillop affiliated students register through portal as per usual sport registration.
- Thursday, 19 December 2024
- Heats from 8:30am Finals from11:30am
- Amour Park & Max Parker Aquatic Centre, Revesby
- 8 – 11 yrs 100m swim, 1km run
12 – 19 yrs 200m swim, 1.8km run
- Entries close 6 December $40. Late entries $55 up to 13 December
More information
See flyer below.
Please find attached the parish bulletin for this Sunday.
God bless!
Parish Team