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Dear Parents and Friends of St Kevin’s,
Well, we made it! 2024 is coming to an end and we have engaged in lots of learning and fun times here at St Kevin’s. This will be our last newsletter for 2024.
So as the 2024 school year draws to a close, I ask you to reflect on why you chose St Kevin’s as the school to assist with your child’s spiritual, academic and social learning journey. These reflections are important as we continue our journey into 2025.
This time of year, allows us to truly celebrate why St Kevin’s is so special and unique in the Cardiff community. Here at St Kevin’s, we can fully acknowledge and appreciate the true meaning of Christmas, its origins and its impact on us as a Catholic community. Our infants' students are very busy preparing their Nativity Play, which is on at 2pm on Monday December 16. The students are making links between the birth of Jesus and the secular trimmings of Christmas such as Santa, Christmas trees and presents on Christmas day. This is what makes us unique. We are proud to celebrate and acknowledge our faith and share it with our children and the wider community. Our Mini Vinnies Christmas appeal is another example of how we demonstrate our faith and how to live the Gospel values of justice, love, kindness and compassion.
Take care during this frantic time of year and enjoy the love and peace that the Christmas season brings. Enjoy the upcoming January school holidays with your beautiful lunches to make, no uniforms to wash, no newsletters to read!!!
Mary-Anne Jennings
Class teachers for 2025
Kindergarten – Ms Erin Greenwood
Year 1- Ms Layne Wiseman
Year 2 – Ms Ellie Brownlow
Year 3 – Mr Jeremy Smith (Semester 1 maternity leave for Mrs Tonks)
Year 4- Mrs Donna Morgan (REC) and Ms Chelsea Edwards
Year 5- Mr Martin Vaughan
Year 6 – Mr Joshua Garnsey
Principal Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – Mrs Jennings
Principal Monday and Friday – Mrs Hogan
2025 start dates
Year 1- 6 Students return Tuesday February 4
Kindergarten start on Thursday February 6
Proud Principal Moment
Congratulations Poppy on your selection for the Diocesan basketball team. I loved reading your report that you wrote for this newsletter.
Farewell to staff
It is always sad to say farewell to staff at the conclusion of the school year. Our 2025 staff team have been exceptional in their dedication and teaching of the students in their care. We say farewell and good luck to:
Mrs Amy Arthur who has been promoted to permanent Religious Education Coordinator at St Frances Xavier Belmont. Good luck Amy with your new school.
Ms Brittany McLean is awaiting confirmation of her new school. Good luck with your new students Brittany.
Farewell to families of St Kevin’s
We say farewell to several families this year and we wish them all the best for the future years of learning for their children in their various new schools.
Ashleigh and Kenias – parents of Tennyson
Kelly and Michael – parents of James
Jessica and David – parents of Zac
Hayley and Barry – parents of Cierra
Sharni and Troy – parents of Kenzie
Kirsty and Chad – parents of Jack
John and Julie – parents of Susan
Nathalie and Jonathan – parents of Kobe
Nadine and Ben – parents of Caine
Lisa and Ben – parents of Bella
AND the GOLD medal goes to John and Julie Lerch for 21 years of being parents at St Kevin’s!!!! Congratulations John and Julie.
Please read their reflections of being a parent at St Kevin’s over the years.
Before we finish up our time as a family at St Kevins, we would like to express how very happy we have been with the quality of care and education the school has given our 7 children over the last 20+ years.
When we were looking for a school for our children, we looked at our different options, the local public schools, private schools and St Kevins. We wanted a school that would understand our children, see their individual positive attributes, have a solid religious education, work with our children and find the best methods that suit them and their learning. We wanted a school that helped our kids socially.
When we were deciding on which school to choose, St Kevins won hands down and has not disappointed. We like the size of the school both number of students and the size of the playgrounds. Also, the religious education had a big impact on our choice.
We started with our eldest child David starting school in 2004, Steven started the following year, Catherine 2 years later, Benjamin 2 years later again, Daniel followed 3 years after Ben, Joshua was 2 years after Daniel and Susan 3 years after Joshua.
With having a lot of children at the school we have had different things arise, but we always found the school to be supportive, approachable and willing to listen to us. David was a clever child and often needed extra extend classwork to support his learning, the school was happy to accommodate that for him. Steven was a shy child, and it was important that the teachers understood him and encourage him to socialize with his classmate. We found that the layout and size of the school suited him because the teachers got to know him and could help. When Joshua and Susan started School, you were happy to listen to us regarding when we think would be the best time for them to start school.
We have had different supports offered through the school including things like Speech Therapy, School Counsellor, Emotional and Physical support. The opportunities that our children have been given are amazing. They have been able to represent their school in many fields like Sport, Drama, Digital Technology, Academia, Music, public speaking and religious occasions. Many other opportunities have been brought to the school for all to experience.
We have had a lot of dealings with the teachers at St Kevins and on a whole we have found them to be energetic, knowledgeable, understanding, dedicated, fun and approachable. The leadership of the school is great, if there is an issue the matter is dealt with efficiently and smoothly. Both you and Mrs Hogan have done a great job in leading the school, and so did the former principal Sr Judith.
I have asked my children over the years, who was their favourite primary school teacher. The results were 2 for Mr Vaughan, 2 for Mr Taylor, 1 for Miss Moyle, 1 for Mrs Arthur and 1 for Mrs Binkin. The reasons were for a wide range from having control of the Class, being able to talk sports or teaching in ways that made sense to them.
Thank you for the Years that you and your staff have put into giving our children the best start they could get regarding their Education, Religion, Social and Emotional needs. Chosen St Kevins for our children has been one of our best decisions we as parents have made for them.
Good Luck with all your future goals for the school
Yours sincerely John and Julie Lerch
To all our amazing volunteers we say THANK YOU!!! St Kevin's would not be the super, amazing, awesome community without the work of our volunteers. You are very much appreciated and valued, and we salute and applaud your commitment to your child’s education through your volunteer work.
News from the Co-Principal / Assistant Principal
As we wrap up another wonderful school year, we have much to celebrate and be thankful for.
Firstly, a huge congratulations to all our students who participated in the Mini EV Challenge. In our inaugural year, every team progressed through to the later rounds, showcasing their hard work, dedication, and innovative spirit. We are thrilled to announce that next year, our school will host this exciting event for surrounding Catholic schools before we head to the Hunter Festival. This is a fantastic opportunity to foster community spirit and share our passion for sustainable technology.
We also want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all the families who were incredibly accommodating during the recent heatwave. Your flexibility in picking up students early due to the heat restrictions enforced by the TAFE event organizers was greatly appreciated. Your support ensures the safety and well-being of our students, and we are grateful for your understanding and cooperation.
Additionally, our recent Colour Run was a massive hit and would not have been successful without the enormous support of our volunteers. Some of you started as early as 7am and helped until 2pm, taking charge of the BBQ and drinks to ensure everyone was well-fed. We had a fantastic crew setting up and running the Colour Run stations, making sure the children had a fabulous time. A special thanks to the firefighters from Cardiff Station who not only helped at Station 8 but also stayed to clean off equipment. Your support is very much appreciated.
We also owe a huge thanks to our fabulous staff who were onsite from 7am, joining in to help make the day fun for all the children. Finally, thank you to the parents for your support and willingness to accommodate pickups and drop-offs. Walking 135 students back to school would have been problematic, especially since many children didn’t realize how huge Cardiff is! Using traffic lights and crossings made the journey back much longer, but your cooperation made it manageable.
Your contributions to the Colour Run, together with donations from the P & F, have made the construction of a mini basketball court on the bottom oval possible. This new addition will be a wonderful asset for our students.

I hope this newsletter expresses sufficiently how grateful I am for the support and help of our small community. We truly could not achieve what we do without the generosity of our parents and grandparents. We have a small and very generous P & F committee whose expertise, support, and generosity we draw on frequently. Thank you!
Additionally, I would like to extend my enormous thanks to Peter and Jenny Charnock. No job is ever too big for these grandparents. They have created for us this year six trophies that we can use for multiple events, building community spirit. Whenever we need something “out of the ordinary,” Peter and Jenny find a way. The 10-metre pond for the EV Challenge was just another one of the requests that Peter was able to help with. Thanks for helping us offer the children varied opportunities.
I have enjoyed my role as Co-Principal / Assistant Principal and look forward to continuing this role again in 2025. I LOVE working at St Kevin’s: great children, great staff, and great families. Best job in the world!
As we approach Christmas, the most holy time of the year, let us remember that Jesus Christ is the reason for the season. May His love and light fill your hearts and homes during this blessed time. Wishing you all a restful and joyous holiday season. We look forward to seeing you in the new year, ready for more achievements and memorable moments.
God Bless
Kim Hogan
Co-Principal / Assistant Principal
Faith Life, Catholic Identity, and the Liturgical Season
As we navigate the season of Advent, we are reminded of the preparatory work we do not only in our lives leading up to Christmas, but in our hearts for the coming of Christ.
December brings a sense of busyness to everyone’s lives. It is very natural to be consumed by the endless to-do lists, the consumerism, the serious overload of Christmas parties, Christmas cards, Kris Kringles and grocery shopping!
This week’s Gospel illustrates John the Baptist proclaiming patience, anticipation and trust in the longing for Christ amongst the Jewish Israelites.
So, as we all wait together in line this Advent let's say yes to all that salvation holds for us: yes, to God's personal love; yes to Jesus' kingdom of justice and peace; yes to every opportunity to serve the Gospel and yes to knowing that our God is a companion to us at every step of our journey, even in the most unexpected ways.
Scottish poet John Bell expresses it this way:
'Light looked down and saw the darkness.
"I will go there", said light.
Peace looked down and saw war.
"I will go there", said peace.
Love looked down and saw hatred.
"I will go there", said love.
So he,
the Lord of Light,
the Prince of Peace,
the King of Love,
came down and crept in beside us.'
Mission and Justice:
We continue to collect donations for our St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal. Please drop your donations off before Monday 16th when our conference member will be collecting these items for families in need.
On Monday 16th December, students are welcome to wear Christmas clothes to school and bring a small donation towards Grocery Gift cards.
Students giving a school captain speech that morning may bring their Christmas clothing to change from school uniforms after speeches.
School Led Parish Mass:
The final school led Parish Mass for 2024 and Year 6 Graduation will be celebrated on Sunday 15th December at St Kevin’s Catholic Church, 9:30am. We invite all families to join us as we farewell the Year 6 graduating class of 2024 and join with our Parish to celebrate Mass.
Please see Compass events for further details and RSVP notice.
Farewell and Thank You!
On a personal note, this is my final St Kevin’s newsletter as I close the chapter of my St Kevin’s story. It is only fitting that this time is an end of an Era (there’s always a Taylor Swift reference at hand!).
Serving the St Kevin’s school community for almost 13 years has brought great joy, memories and privilege.
To the families of this community, thank you for your ongoing commitment to the Catholic Identity of the school, your generosity in Mission efforts, your presence at Faith Life events, your value for Religious Education.
To my colleagues, I don’t think I could ever express my gratitude for the privilege it is to work alongside you. You embrace the collective efficacy of Catholic Identity in the school with open hearts, open minds and witness to faith. You bring rigor and value to Catholic Education in ways that aren’t always noticeable but nonetheless a beating heart of the school, from teachers to support staff, to fellow exec and administration.
To the children in the school, quite simply, I adore you all. You make this job so easy, so valuable and rewarding. The memories I have from teaching you all will be a cornerstone of my heart as I continue my career. Your love for each other, the way you celebrate the wins of friends during Easter raffles or at awards, the sportsmanship, your commitments to sport, to choir and arts, to technology; the responsible ways you interact with school jobs. I could go on! I wish you all a holy, restful Christmas with great joy, inner peace, family time, memories and all the food!
God Bless!
With love and gratitude,
Amy Arthur
Acting Religious Education Coordinator
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education News
Kaayi (Hello – Awabakal)
Yaama Ngindaay (Hello everyone - Gamilaraay)
Nungamanladi (Hello - Bardi)
Te bandola nginak (Hello, how are you? – Yorta Yorta)
Wo-ri-mi Ngani (Hello, how are you? – Dharug)
It’s been a very busy and productive year in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education at St Kevin’s.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday 7 July
Keep the Fire Burning - Strong in Faith
We celebrated or commemorated events including Harmony Day, National Reconciliation Week, NAIDOC Week, Indigenous Literacy Day, International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday, National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day.
Our NAIDOC Week grants from Lake Macquarie Council and Aboriginal Affairs NSW enabled all children to practise some culinary skills using bush tucker ingredients. Some children made wattle seed and saltbush damper, others lemon myrtle biscuits and lemon myrtle cordial.
Children visited the Awabakal Environmental Education Centre at Dudley or Shortland Wetlands and learned about local ecosystems, wetlands and mangroves, mapping, Awabakal seasons, tools made and used, compass use, bush tucker, plant and animal habitats. These excursions were a big hit with the children. A big thank you to St Kevin’s Aboriginal Community Group of parents for their collaboration and support which enabled these grant applications to be successful.
Teachers continued their professional learning with visits to some Dreaming Story sites in and around Newcastle, as well as their contribution to important events mentioned above.
Please enjoy a well-earned relaxing break in the coming weeks. I wish you and your family a happy, safe and Holy Christmas and a Happy New Year.
See you in 2025.
Nginowa (Goodbye/See you later – Awabakal)
Gaba Nginda Yaluu (Good You, Later - Gamilaraay)
Phil Taylor
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Teacher
Shool Fees are now Due
Thank you to those families who have finalised your 2024 school fees. Any fees unpaid are now considered overdue. Please finalise your fees as soon as possible by either Bpay, or by credit card in person or over the phone by calling 4954 0036. If you have genuine financial difficulty in finalising your fees, please contact the school office to arrange a confidential meeting with the Principal to discuss an alternative agreement.
School Departure Form
Year 6 students have been issued a School Departure Form (see below). They need to return any classroom resources, library books and have fees finalised so that fee clearance can be issued to the Diocesan High School. This needs to be returned to the school office by next Friday 13.12.24.
Back to School Stationery 2025
Please see the list below of the stationery required for each student to provide in 2025. ALL STATIONERY ITEMS MUST BE LABELLED. This can be purchased independently or you may like to take advantage of our Book Packs put together by Stuart and Dunn. Any packs ordered prior to 10th December, can be delivered to the school by Wednesday 18th December (last week of term) ready to be sent home for labelling. Please see the attached instructions for ordering the book pack online at Stuart & Dunn.
Congratulations Corner - Poppy H
? Big News: I Made the Basketball Team!! ?
Hey everyone!
I have some super exciting news to share with you all… I made the Diocesan Basketball team! ? On Friday, I went to the trials, and guess what? I got picked to be on the team! I’m so pumped about it!
Here’s what we did at the trials:
- Dribbled with our right hand
- Dribbled with our left hand
- Did crossover dribbles
- Did between-the-legs crossovers
- Did behind-the-back crossovers
- Practiced layups
- Took jump shots
- Tried reverse layups (I’m still getting the hang of it!)
- And then we played 7 games… and guess what? My team was undefeated the WHOLE time!
It was such a fun day, and I learned a lot. I’m really excited because now I get to represent St. Kevin’s at the Polding Trials in Tamworth! I can’t wait to play more games and see how we do.
Thanks for all the support, and wish me luck at the next trials!

A Special Report: Starting Year 7
When a child starts high school, they suddenly become one of the youngest and newest kids at school all over again - a small fish in a big pond! The transition between Year 6 and Year 7 is one of the biggest jumps in a child's life and is a very important milestone. This can easily become a daunting time for students and parents alike.
Starting Year 7 poses many new challenges, but also exciting opportunities. It comes with a number of mixed feelings. Some students may be feeling a little anxious about their expectations of starting Year 7 and finding their place in the “big pond”. As your child grasps new skills and engages in new study practices, it is important for parents to be supportive, but also realistic in their expectations. Parents and students can easily become overwhelmed during this time of transition but, there are a number of strategies that can be implemented to start things off on the right foot!
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report:
A Special Report: Surviving Christmas
Many people see Christmas as a wonderful time of celebration and an opportunity to spend time with family and friends. However, there are some that view it as a time of stress and hardship. This may be due to a combination of things: financial pressures, relationship issues and, quite often, loneliness, making it a very challenging time.
Often the true meaning of Christmas can be lost due to commercial exploitation, but there are a number of things you can do to create a magical Christmas, without the financial burden. Creating or maintaining traditions can contribute to a sense of comfort and belonging.
Unfortunately for some, there is also an ugly side to Christmas. Support organisations often report an increase in the number of calls from people seeking help due to their inability to cope during this time. If you, or a loved one, is finding that it is all too much, then it is important to reach out to a trusted friend, family member or medical professional.
In this Special Report, parents and care givers will be presented with a number of ideas on how to achieve a stress-free Christmas and where to seek help should you need it.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report:
A Special Report: Wellbeing - Checklist for Primary
Whilst most children are resilient and seem to be demonstrating a remarkable capacity to manage during this challenging time, others are not faring as well. Some are experiencing a variety of emotions ranging from fear to anxiety, all of which are considered normal or natural responses to this current situation.
However despite this, it is still important for adult carers to remain vigilant for any signs of unusual distress or behaviour, even though your child may not have any prior history of a mental health disorder.
It was estimated that one in seven Australasian children experienced a mental health issue before the Coronavirus pandemic, therefore early intervention, diagnosis and treatment is even more important now. In the current climate, one useful thing you can do is help your child focus on the things that they can control - such as their learning, diet, exercise and sleep.
In this Special Report, adult carers will be provided with a checklist that can be used a guide in determining if there is any cause for concern.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report:
Please find attached the parish bulletin for this Sunday.
God bless!
Parish Team